Monday, June 18, 2007

Rich? Me? Couldn't Be!

We're getting to the end of our study in 1 Timothy. Paul has some instructions for those who are "rich in this present world." Do you know any wealthy people? How do you decide who is wealthy? Just who does those who are "rich in this present world" include?

My definition has always been to take my bank account balance, add a zero to the end of it and that number is the bottom rung of the "rich" ladder.

What's your definition? I'd love to know!

While you're thinking about it, you might want to check out the link below. It'll blow your mind!


1 comment:

~dy said...

Wow, it is amazing to consider how very, very rich "we" truly are. It is sobering to ponder how God will judge ........ do I even come close to the standards God holds out for us?