Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sunday's Service

It's strange, but some of the things I like the most about Sunday mornings are the things that I have no control over. As a pastor, I spend a lot of time thinking about our time together on Sundays. There isn't alot of "suspense" when you've been heavily involved with the planning of things.

I guess that's why I enjoy the spontaneous things more. Like this last Sunday when we one person shared some pretty intense struggles concerning their wife's cancer. We dropped everything and the whole church gathered around him to pray. I had tears in my eyes as I considered how much this church cares about each other. What an awesome place.

Or like when we had the children pray for the teachers. I had no idea how that would go...but it was great to see the teachers kneeling and hearing their students pray for them. Kids can teach us tons about prayer.

Or like when we have a chance to hear about how God orchestrating the details in someone's life in answer to prayer. It reminds me that when the world around me doesn't quite make sense that God is control. He is weaving the tapestry together.

As we grow as a church, that's something that I hope we never lose. We are a family doing this "following Christ thing" together. May our family grow and grow...but may it always be a great spontaneous family!

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