Tuesday, January 29, 2008

38 Degrees in January...is that Good?

Yesterday was one of those rare January days in northern Minnesota. The temperature was above freezing and the snow was actually melting. Well, not really melting and running down the streets like it does in April, but you could actually see places where it was wet rather than icy. The temperature according to the bank clock was 96, but I know that wasn't right. We don't even see that temp in July. I'd say it was about 38. It actually rained a little in the evening.

Today is a different matter altogether. Last night I woke up at about three and listened to the wind start to howl. It was a wind that started at the North Pole and slammed any chance of an early spring all the way down to the tip of Florida. It was 2 above when I woke up and that will be the high today. Tomorrow morning will be -30.

This raises two questions: Is a January melt actually a good thing? I suppose it is if you consider it a break from the bitter cold. On the other hand, it seems a little like a mirage in the desert. Your hopes can raise pretty high only to be dashed by the reality that you are living in the coldest part of the US.

The second question is why do we live here at all? A former mayor of St. Paul said, "-40 keeps out the riff-raff". It is true that we don't exactly have many people living on the streets here.

My answer to the question has three parts. First, there is a wild beauty to this place that I really enjoy. Even on the bitterest of days the wilderness intrigues me. Second, I have developed some of the greatest friends imaginable here and the smiles and laughs are worth the cold. Finally, I have a real sense that God has called me to this place. That in itself is reason enough.

Besides, I kinda like the cold. At least this time of year there are no mosquitoes!

Here's a question for you: If heaven and hell are opposites, and hell is a raging inferno, then heaven is....? Answer: Alot like here!

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