Friday, January 4, 2008

A Sermonless Sunday

Almost every week of the year I spend a great deal of my time preparing a sermon. This week Tim Maki will be preaching and sharing his vision of a new church in Hibbing. So what do I do on weeks that I am not preaching? Is it a vacation week?


A week that I am not preaching is a refreshing break from the routine. That's something we all need. I wouldn't call it a vacation though. I use my time to try to catch up on things that have been neglected and to try to get a head start on the coming weeks. Right now that means getting ready for Vision Day and the Annual Meeting. It also seems like the weeks that I don't preach wind up being busy with counseling and family obligations.

One thing I've noticed this week is that I find myself praying for Tim pretty regularly, but praying for myself even more. I am praying that Tim has a keen sense of what he is supposed to share on Sunday and that he is truly led by the Spirit.

One reason I'm blogging about this is that I want to encourage us to pray along the same lines every week. I know that I can tell when people are praying for me during the week as I prepare for Sunday morning. I covet people praying for me!

I have also been praying for myself, that I might really hear what God wants to say to me this Sunday. I have to confess that before I became a pastor there were many Sundays that I didn't really listen. My focus was on other things. I think I probably missed alot. So I'm praying for myself, that I would be open to what God wants to say to me. Perhaps that will be the key thought of the sermon, but it could be found in a song we sing, a prayer that's prayed or comment from a friend. Whatever it is, I believe that God wants to speak to me.

The other reason I'm blogging about a Sermonless Sunday is that I want to encourage us to pray for ourselves and one another that we would have a hunger for what God wants to say to us each week. Let's arrive hungry and leave filled to overflowing with something to share!

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